Difference between revisions of "ICUR 05, 13273; CLE 01, 0306 (Q10236)"

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(‎Changed [en] label: ICUR 05, 13273)
(‎Changed [it] label: ICUR 05, 13273; CLE 01, 0306)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / enlabel / en
ICUR 05, 13273
ICUR 05, 13273; CLE 01, 0306
label / itlabel / it
ICUR 05, 13273; CLE 01, 0306
description / endescription / en
Property / EDB identifierProperty / EDB identifier

Latest revision as of 11:36, 12 March 2021

No description defined
Language Label Description Also known as
ICUR 05, 13273; CLE 01, 0306
No description defined


    0 references
    0 references
    Tu alla ricerca dei nomi di Pietro e Paolo devi sapere che qui, una volta, i santi dimorarono. L’oriente inviò gli apostoli, cosa che di buon grado riconosciamo; per il merito del loro sangue, alla sequela di Cristo, attraverso le stelle, si diressero alla patria celeste e al regno dei beati. Roma tuttavia meritò di rivendicarli suoi cittadini. Permettete che Damaso tramandi queste cose a vostra lode, o nuovi astri.
    1 reference
    Gli epigrammi di papa Damaso I
    83-84, n. 20
    Here you should know that the saints dwelt at one time You who seek the names of both Peter and Paul.We freely acknowledge that the East sent them as disciples For Christ’s sake and the merit of his bloodThey followed Him across the starsAnd sought heavenly regions, kingdom of pious souls Rome has merited to claim them as citizens. Damasus wished to proclaim these things, O new stars, to your praise.
    1 reference
    Marianne Sághy
    Martyr Cult and Collective Identity in Fourth-Century Rome
    Identity and Alterity in Hagiography and the Cult of Saints