Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 1696 (Q5326)

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Base for toga statue of Quintus Flavius Maesius Lollianus, senatorial patron. From Puteoli. 334-342
Language Label Description Also known as
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 1696
Base for toga statue of Quintus Flavius Maesius Lollianus, senatorial patron. From Puteoli. 334-342


    University of Oxford
    0 references
    (Statue of) Mavortius. To Quintus Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus, of clarissimus rank, quaestor ( quaestor Kandidatus ), urban praetor, public augur of the people of Rome and Quirites, officer in charge ( consularis ) of the banks of the Tiber and of the sewers, officer in charge ( consularis ) of public buildings, officer in charge ( consularis ) of the aqueducts, governor ( consularis ) of Campania, count in the imperial court of the Flavians ( comes Flavialis ), count of the East ( comes orientis ), count of the first order and governor ( proconsul ) of the province of Africa; the association of the decatrenses ( collegium decatressium ) set [this] up, to the most worthy patron.
    1 reference
    Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 1696
    Dessau, H., Inscriptiones latinae selectae , Berlin 3rd ed. 1962 , 1224c
    Zevi, F. [et al.]., Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei: Castello di Baia. II. Catalogo generale. Pozzuoli. , Naples 2008 , pp. 152-153 (R. Marchesini)
    Camodeca, G., 'Ricerche su Puteoli tardoromana (fine II-IV secolo)', Puteoli , IV (1981) 59-128 , p. 101, n. 136
    Last Statue of Antiquities