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(‎Created claim: Translation EN (P11): Here, if you ask, lies gathered a group of devout men. The venerable graves still hold the saints’ bodies, but the Court of Heaven has seized aloft to itself their souls. Here are the companions of S...)
Property / Translation EN
Here, if you ask, lies gathered a group of devout men. The venerable graves still hold the saints’ bodies, but the Court of Heaven has seized aloft to itself their souls. Here are the companions of Sixtus, who carry off the trophy from their foes. Here is the throng of prelates that keeps the altars of Christ. Here is laid the priest who lived during the long time of peace. Here are the holy confessors whom Greece has sent. Here are young men and boys, old men and their chaste grandsons, whose preference it was to keep virginal purity. Here I, Damasus – I admit it—wished to bury my own body, but I was afraid of disturbing the holy ashes of the saints
Property / Translation EN: Here, if you ask, lies gathered a group of devout men. The venerable graves still hold the saints’ bodies, but the Court of Heaven has seized aloft to itself their souls. Here are the companions of Sixtus, who carry off the trophy from their foes. Here is the throng of prelates that keeps the altars of Christ. Here is laid the priest who lived during the long time of peace. Here are the holy confessors whom Greece has sent. Here are young men and boys, old men and their chaste grandsons, whose preference it was to keep virginal purity. Here I, Damasus – I admit it—wished to bury my own body, but I was afraid of disturbing the holy ashes of the saints / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:38, 7 May 2015

Language Label Description Also known as
ICVR IV, 9513


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    Se lo vuoi sapere qui giace una schiera di beati, sepolcri venerandi custodiscono corpi di santi le cui anime eccelse la dimora del cielo attrasse a sé. Qui sono i compagni di Sisto, che hanno trionfato sul nemico, qui il gruppo di pontefici martiri custodisce gli altari di Cristo; qui giace il vescovo vissuto durante un periodo di lunga concordia, qui i santi confessori che la Grecia inviò, qui giovani e fanciulli, anziani e adolescenti cui piacque maggiormente conservare la propria castità. Qui, lo confesso, io Damaso avrei voluto seppellire i miei resti ma temetti di disturbare le sante reliquie dei beati martiri.
    1 reference
    Gli epigrammi di papa Damaso I
    77-79, n. 16
    Here, if you ask, lies gathered a group of devout men. The venerable graves still hold the saints’ bodies, but the Court of Heaven has seized aloft to itself their souls. Here are the companions of Sixtus, who carry off the trophy from their foes. Here is the throng of prelates that keeps the altars of Christ. Here is laid the priest who lived during the long time of peace. Here are the holy confessors whom Greece has sent. Here are young men and boys, old men and their chaste grandsons, whose preference it was to keep virginal purity. Here I, Damasus – I admit it—wished to bury my own body, but I was afraid of disturbing the holy ashes of the saints
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