CIL 01 (2 ed.), 0007, cfr. pp. 718, 739, 859; CIL 06, 01285; CIL 06, 31588; CIL 06, 37039, cfr. pp. 3134, 3799, 4670-4671; CLE 0007 (Q10307)

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Language Label Description Also known as
CIL 01 (2 ed.), 0007, cfr. pp. 718, 739, 859; CIL 06, 01285; CIL 06, 31588; CIL 06, 37039, cfr. pp. 3134, 3799, 4670-4671; CLE 0007
No description defined


    0 references
    0 references
    L. Cornelio Scipione Barbato, figlio di Gneo, uomo forte e saggio, il cui bell'aspetto fu del tutto uguale al valore e che fu console, censore, edile presso di voi, prese Laurasia, Cisauna, il Sannio, sottomise tutta la Lucania e ne riportò ostaggi.
    1 reference
    A. De Rosalia
    Iscrizioni latine arcaiche
    L. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, offspring of Gnaeus his father, a brave and wise man, whose appearance was equal to his virtue. He was consul, censor and aedile among you. He captured Taurasia and Cisauna in Samnium and subdued all of Lucania and brought back hostages.
    1 reference
    C. Bruun
    C. Bruun - J. Edmondson
    The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy