HEp 11, 2001, 331 (Q11422)

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Revision as of 12:11, 13 January 2016 by Pietro.liuzzo (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: If you wish to know my namestay awhile and listen to some words:while I was living and when I couldI was Pontiliena, a freed woman and at the same time Pontilienus’ daughter.Dying I was and still I a...)
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HEp 11, 2001, 331
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    Se desideri sapere il nimo nome, fermati e ascolta qualche parola: mentre ho vissuto e ho potutosono stata Pontiliena, liberta e, allo stesso tempo, figlia di Pontilieno. Morendo fui e sono un breve messaggio.Addio.
    1 reference
    Donato Fasolini
    If you wish to know my namestay awhile and listen to some words:while I was living and when I couldI was Pontiliena, a freed woman and at the same time Pontilienus’ daughter.Dying I was and still I am a brief message,Farewell
    0 references