SdA II 208a (Q3927)

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Decree concerning Carthage
Language Label Description Also known as
SdA II 208a
Decree concerning Carthage


    IG I³ 123
    1 reference
    Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
    0 references
    Fragment a [The Council and the People decided. - was in prytany. -] of Aphidna [was secretary. - of - was] chairman. [- proposed: that for the heralds (keryxi) whom the Carthaginians have sent there shall be access (5) to the People?] whenever [there is first a principal assembly (ekklesia kyria) .? The Carthaginians ] shall be inscribed [as benefactors of Athens by] the [secretary of the Council on the acropolis on a] stone [stele. Athenian heralds (kerykas) shall immediately be sent?] to Sicily [to the generals (10) Annibal] son of Geskon [and Himilkon son of Annon , asking them for friendship and alliance?] ... Fragment b ... [- proposed: in other respects in accordance with ...; but to send heralds (kerykas) (15) whom the prytany (prytaneis) shall choose with the Council ? to the generals Annibal son of Geskon and] Himilkon [son of Annon ; and to praise the heralds (kerykes) ] who [have arrived in Athens because they are] good [men with regard to the People of Athens ]; and [to invite them] (20) to [hospitality in the prytaneion tomorrow. Of the Carthaginians these men swore the oath?]: Annibal [son of Geskon , Himilkon son of Annon ] ...
    0 references