Difference between revisions of "ICVR IV, 11927 (Q4738)"

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(‎Changed [en] label: ICVR IV, 11927)
label / enlabel / en
ICVR IV, 11927

Revision as of 20:31, 4 May 2014

No description defined
Language Label Description Also known as
ICVR IV, 11927
No description defined


    Nacqui a Roma; Giulia - se lo chiedi- era il mio nome. Vissi pura accanto al mio uomo Florenzo, al quale lasciai tre figli superstiti. Ricevetti poi la grazia di Dio e, neofita, fui accolta nella pace
    0 references
    I was born in Rome Giulia - if you ask- was my name. I lived pure next to my man Florentius, to which I left three surviving children. Then I received the grace of God, and neophyte, I was welcomed in peace.
    0 references
    0 references