UBBVarga000251 (Q4977)

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Revision as of 10:44, 23 April 2014 by Pietrodn (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: To the gods Manes, Aelia Secundina lived 14 years and Aelia Crispina lived 4 years. Aelius Secundus and (Aelia) Deccia dedicated to the very pious daughters, as well as Aelius Constans, husband.)
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funerary inscription
Language Label Description Also known as
funerary inscription


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    To the gods Manes, Aelia Secundina lived 14 years and Aelia Crispina lived 4 years. Aelius Secundus and (Aelia) Deccia dedicated to the very pious daughters, as well as Aelius Constans, husband.
    0 references