Beševliev, V., Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien , Berlin 1964 , no. 206 fig. 229 (Q5470)

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Base for statue of Basiliscus, consul and military commander. Philippopolis (Thracia). 465-474
Language Label Description Also known as
Beševliev, V., Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien , Berlin 1964 , no. 206 fig. 229
Base for statue of Basiliscus, consul and military commander. Philippopolis (Thracia). 465-474


    University of Oxford
    0 references
    To Good Fortune. He whom you see is the master of the cavalry and the infantry, consul, patricius , and father of the empire. This man now returns triumphant, victorious all over the world. You, Basiliscus, a glory to your Romans.
    0 references