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Honours for Caeclius Severus
Language Label Description Also known as
Honours for Caeclius Severus


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    Creative Commons licence Attribution UK 2.0 ( All reuse or distribution of this work must contain somewhere a link back to the URL
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    [In honour] of Elpidius. To a man deserving praise for all virtues, distinguished and magnificent for goodness beyond documentation, Caecilius Severus, splendid man( of senatorial status), acting as deputy for the praetorian prefects; the Lepcitanians [set this up] publicly on account of the manifold moderation of his judgments in their cases, and in accordance with a decree and a vote [...]
    1 reference
    J. M. Reynolds
    King's College London
    [Statue of] Elpidius. To the man praiseworthy of all virtues, outstanding and magnificent beyond the documented proofs of his goodness, Caecilius Severus, of clarissimus rank, acting in the role of the praetorian prefects; on account of the multiform moderation of his judgements concerning themselves, by decree and vote … the people of Lepcis Magna [set this up] from public funds.
    1 reference
    LSA Database 2174
    [Statue des] Elpidius. Für einen Mann, rühmenswert für alle Tugenden, und über die erwiesenen Zeugnisse seiner Güte hinaus bedeutend und großartig, Caecilius Severus, senatorischen (clarissimus) Ranges, Stellvertreter der Prätorianerpräfekten. Wegen der vielfältigen Milde seiner Rechtsprechung über sie [errichteten] die Bürger von Lepcis Magna (Lepcitani) auf Beschluss und Zustimmung ... aus öffentlichen Mitteln [dieses Denkmal].
    1 reference
    Ulrich Gehn
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    Elpidius! Uomo lodevole per ogni virtù, insigne e magnifico ben oltre le prove offerte della sua bontà, a Caecilius Severus, uomo chiarissimo, facente le veci dei prefetti al pretorio, per la multiforme moderazione nei giudizi da lui resi nei loro confronti, per decreto e per suffragio [...] i Leptitani, a spese pubbliche (posero).
    1 reference
    Ignazio Tantillo
    Francesca Bigi, Ignazio Tantillo
    Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana
    Edizioni dell'Università di Cassino