Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 1418 (+ p. 4695) (Q5886)

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Base for statue of Titus Flavius Postumius Titianus, former consularis of the water-supply and governor of Africa; erected to his patron by a procurator of the water-supply. Rome. 295-300.
Language Label Description Also known as
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 1418 (+ p. 4695)
Base for statue of Titus Flavius Postumius Titianus, former consularis of the water-supply and governor of Africa; erected to his patron by a procurator of the water-supply. Rome. 295-300.


    0 references
    University of Oxford
    0 references
    To Titus Flavius Postumius Titianus, of consular rank, governor ( proconsul ) of the province of Africa, officer in charge ( consularis ) of the aqueducts and of the porticus Minicia, governor ( corrector ) of Campania, governor ( corrector ) of Italia Transpadana, judge in the imperial court of appeal, praetor ( praetor kandidatus , quaestor ( quaestor kandidatus ), priest of the god Sun, augur, orator, great-grandson and attendant to the orator Marcus Postumius Festus. Titus Aelius Poemenius, of eminentissimus rank, who by his decision was advanced to the procuratorship of the aqueducts, to the most outstanding patron [set this up].
    1 reference
    Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 1418 (+ p. 4695)
    Last Statue of Antiquities
    Postumius Titianus, a man of consular rank, proconsul of the province of Africa, consul dealing with aqueducts and Minucia, corrector of Campania, corrector of Transpadane Italy, cognoscens vice sacra, emperor's candidate for the praetorship and emperor's candidate for the quaestorship, priest of the god of the sun, augur, orator, great-grandson and follower of Marcus Postumius Festus the orator. Titus Aelius Poemenius, vir egregius, raised to the office of procurator dealing with aqueducts, to an outstanding patron.
    1 reference
    W. Stenhouse
    The Paper Museum of Cassiano del Pozzo. Ancient Inscriptions
    0 references