Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 392-4, no. 41, fig. 7.15, pl. XIV (Q6632)

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Base for marble statue of Flavius Nepotianus, military commander and governor ( comes et praeses ) of Tripolitania. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 352-360.
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Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 392-4, no. 41, fig. 7.15, pl. XIV
Base for marble statue of Flavius Nepotianus, military commander and governor ( comes et praeses ) of Tripolitania. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 352-360.


    0 references
    University of Oxford
    0 references
    (Statue of) Nepotianus. To Flavius Nepotianus, of perfectissimus rank, military commander ( comes ) and governor ( praeses ) of the province of Tripolitania. Exceptional in justice and integrity, outstanding in moderation and benignity, a cultivator of abstinence and honesty and of all duties, very experienced also in military affairs, incomparable in arms and in counsel. Because he increased the councils ( ordines ) and all the provincials with many benefits by administrating with benevolent loyalty; because he crushed the insolence of the barbarians with the use of military science; because he established defence and permanent protection for the borders, also for future times, fortified and secure from any hostile incursion; because he adorned the buildings of the cities both by restoration and by new building. The council ( ordo ) of the city of Lepcis Magna with the people ( populus ) set up a marble statue on account of these merits, with all decrees (= of the ordo) and votes (= of the people) in unison.
    1 reference
    Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 392-4, no. 41, fig. 7.15, pl. XIV
    Last Statue of Antiquities