Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, no. 17882 (Q6764)

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Revision as of 17:56, 12 May 2014 by Pietrodn (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: To the emperor Caesar, Caius Valerius Diocletianus, unconquered, pious, fortunate Augustus, highest priest, holding tribunician power four times, father of the fatherland, consul, proconsul. The commu...)
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Base for statue of Diocletian, emperor. Thamugadi (Numidia). 286-287
Language Label Description Also known as
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, no. 17882
Base for statue of Diocletian, emperor. Thamugadi (Numidia). 286-287


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    University of Oxford
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    To the emperor Caesar, Caius Valerius Diocletianus, unconquered, pious, fortunate Augustus, highest priest, holding tribunician power four times, father of the fatherland, consul, proconsul. The community ( res publica ) of the colony of the Thamugadenses, devoted to his divine spirit and majesty, [set this up].
    0 references