RIB 103 (Q7383)

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Revision as of 16:35, 15 September 2014 by Pietrodn (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, His Perfection Lucius Septimius …, governor of Britannia Prima, restored (this monument), being a citizen of Reims. This statue and column erected under the ancient re...)
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EE ix 997
Language Label Description Also known as
RIB 103
EE ix 997


    1 reference
    Scott Vanderbilt
    0 references
    Licensed under a Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 licence. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
    0 references
    To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, His Perfection Lucius Septimius …, governor of Britannia Prima, restored (this monument), being a citizen of Reims. This statue and column erected under the ancient religion Septimius restores, ruler of Britannia Prima.
    0 references