RIB 1553 (Q8672)

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Revision as of 21:19, 15 September 2014 by Pietrodn (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: Property:P11: For the Emperor Caesar Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus Pius Felix Augustus, Most Great Conqueror of Germany, Most Great Conqueror of Dacia, Most Great Conqueror of Sarmatia, pontifex maximus, in his thir...)
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CIL vii 621
Language Label Description Also known as
RIB 1553
CIL vii 621


    1 reference
    Scott Vanderbilt
    0 references
    Licensed under a Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 licence. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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    For the Emperor Caesar Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus Pius Felix Augustus, Most Great Conqueror of Germany, Most Great Conqueror of Dacia, Most Great Conqueror of Sarmatia, pontifex maximus, in his third year of tribunician power, six times acclaimed Imperator, consul, proconsul, father of his country, and for Gaius Julius Verus Maximus, Most Great Conqueror of Germany, Most Great Conqueror of Dacia, Most Great Conqueror of Sarmatia, our most noble Caesar, under …]uccianus, of senatorial rank and emperor's propraetorian legate, the First Cohort of Batavians built this under the charge of Burrius …, prefect, in the consulship of Perpetuus and Cornelianus.
    0 references