Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 377-381, no. 35, fig. 10.40, pl. XII (Q6626)

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Base for statue of Flavius Victor Calpurnius, governor of Tripolitania, patron of Lepcis. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 340-350.
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Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 377-381, no. 35, fig. 10.40, pl. XII
Base for statue of Flavius Victor Calpurnius, governor of Tripolitania, patron of Lepcis. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 340-350.


    University of Oxford
    ...most honest ......of judging ...carefully considered who ... made the republic ( rem publicam ) greater by noteworthy ... renewer of public buildings. Because Lepcis Magna, outstanding in its celebrated loyalty and devotion, experienced on many occasions his innumerable services concerning themselves and theirs, going beyond a native citizen’s affection, and tenaciously mindful of his merits, through the men of its council and people ( ordo et populus ) decreed a statue for Fl(avius) Victor Calpurnius, a man of perfectissimus rank, governor ( praeses ) of the province of Tripolitania, its patron, and set it up and dedicated it on account of the indivisible good-will of mutual love between him and it.
    Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 377-381, no. 35, fig. 10.40, pl. XII
    Last Statue of Antiquities