Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 395-7, no. 42, figs. 7.15, 10.49, pl. XV (Q6633)

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Fragmentary base for statue of Flavius Vivius Benedictus, governor of Tripolitania. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 378.
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Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 395-7, no. 42, figs. 7.15, 10.49, pl. XV
Fragmentary base for statue of Flavius Vivius Benedictus, governor of Tripolitania. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). 378.


    University of Oxford
    'Statue of) Benedictus, of perfectissimus rank. Dedicated on the sixth(?) day of the Ides of June in the consulship of our lords the Augusti, Valens for the sixth time and Valentinian for the second time. To Flavius Benedictus, of perfectissimus rank, governor ( praeses ) of the province of Tripolitania; steady in justice, interpreter of the law, supporter of the innocent, vindicator of freedom, punisher of all evils. The most splendid council ( ordo ) of the city of Lepcis Magna … to the patron(?) … .
    Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 395-7, no. 42, figs. 7.15, 10.49, pl. XV
    Last Statue of Antiquities