Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 413-415, no. 52, fig. 10.59, pl. VIII (Q6643)

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Base for statue of Aurelius Sempronius Serenus Dulcitius, intellectual and benefactor. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). Late third to early fourth century.
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Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 413-415, no. 52, fig. 10.59, pl. VIII
Base for statue of Aurelius Sempronius Serenus Dulcitius, intellectual and benefactor. Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). Late third to early fourth century.


    0 references
    University of Oxford
    0 references
    (Statue of) Dulcitius. To Aurelius Sempronius Serenus, Roman knight, principalis of Alexandria, on account of the distinguished and admirable genius in studies, in addition to the honour of the decurionates and the statue that was set up among themselves, also at Leptis Magna...
    1 reference
    Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana , Cassino 2010 , 413-415, no. 52, fig. 10.59, pl. VIII
    Last Statue of Antiquities