L'Année épigraphique, , 1889, 2 (Q6757)

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Base for statue of Iulia Flavia Herennia Caecilia Honoratiana Optata, daughter of curator . Ammaedara (Africa Proconsularis). Later third century
Language Label Description Also known as
L'Année épigraphique, , 1889, 2
Base for statue of Iulia Flavia Herennia Caecilia Honoratiana Optata, daughter of curator . Ammaedara (Africa Proconsularis). Later third century


    0 references
    University of Oxford
    0 references
    To Iulia Flavia Herennia Caecilia Honoratiana Optata, girl of clarissimus rank, daughter of Flavius Pollio Flavianus, of clarissimus rank, curator of the city, candidate to the praetorship, [set up] by decree of the councillors, with public funds.
    1 reference
    L'Année épigraphique, , 1889, 2
    L'Année épigraphique, , 1993, 1734
    Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, 11536
    Last Statue of Antiquities