Ritti, T. 'Contributi dell'epigrafia ierapolitana alla conoscenza delle opere figurative', Roman Sculpture in Asia Minor. JRA Supplementary Series 80 , Portsmouth RI, 2011 , 186-8, fig. 11.12 (Q6835)

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Base for statue of Claudius (Strategius) Musonianus, praetorian prefect. Hierapolis (Phrygia Pacatiana). 354-358.
Language Label Description Also known as
Ritti, T. 'Contributi dell'epigrafia ierapolitana alla conoscenza delle opere figurative', Roman Sculpture in Asia Minor. JRA Supplementary Series 80 , Portsmouth RI, 2011 , 186-8, fig. 11.12
Base for statue of Claudius (Strategius) Musonianus, praetorian prefect. Hierapolis (Phrygia Pacatiana). 354-358.


    0 references
    University of Oxford
    0 references
    To Good Fortune. Claudius Musonianus, of clarissimus rank, the prefect of the sacred praetorium. The council ( boule ) and the people ( demos ) of the metropolis of the Hierapolitans (set this up) for their benefactor and founder. With good fortune.
    1 reference
    Ritti, T. 'Contributi dell'epigrafia ierapolitana alla conoscenza delle opere figurative', Roman Sculpture in Asia Minor. JRA Supplementary Series 80 , Portsmouth RI, 2011 , 186-8, fig. 11.12
    Last Statue of Antiquities