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description / endescription / en
Funerary inscription
Funerary inscription to Marcus Aurelius Secundinus
description / itdescription / it
Iscrizione sepolcrale
Iscrizione sepolcrale per Marco Aurelio Secondino
Property / Translation IT: Agli dei Mani. Marco Aurelio Secondino, compositore di inni per la Grande Madre degli Dei del monte Ida venerata sul Palatino, ha fatto erigere (il monumento sepolcrale) per sè, per Aurelio Augurino, da lui allevato e che è vissuto diciassette anni, per Aurelio Principio, suo fratello, e per gli altri liberti e liberte e per i loro discendenti. I suddetti Laurenzi. Bene ai buoni! / reference
Publication title: Roma caput mundi. La mostra
Place: Milano
Year: 2012
Page(s): 20
Author of publication: A. Giardina, F. Pesando
Property / Translation IT: Agli dei Mani. Marco Aurelio Secondino, compositore di inni per la Grande Madre degli Dei del monte Ida venerata sul Palatino, ha fatto erigere (il monumento sepolcrale) per sè, per Aurelio Augurino, da lui allevato e che è vissuto diciassette anni, per Aurelio Principio, suo fratello, e per gli altri liberti e liberte e per i loro discendenti. I suddetti Laurenzi. Bene ai buoni! / reference
Publication title: Roma caput mundi. La mostra
Place: Milano
Year: 2012
Page(s): 20
Property / Translation EN
To the Gods of the Underworld. Marcus Aurelius Secundinus, composer of hymns to the Great Mother of the Gods from Mount Ida who is worshipped on the Palatine, constructed (this funerary monument) for himself, for Aurelius Augurinus, whom he raised and who lived for seventeen years, for Aurelius Principius, his brother, and for the other freedmen and freedwomen and their descendents. The aforementioned Laurentii. Let good men flourish.
Property / Translation EN: To the Gods of the Underworld. Marcus Aurelius Secundinus, composer of hymns to the Great Mother of the Gods from Mount Ida who is worshipped on the Palatine, constructed (this funerary monument) for himself, for Aurelius Augurinus, whom he raised and who lived for seventeen years, for Aurelius Principius, his brother, and for the other freedmen and freedwomen and their descendents. The aforementioned Laurentii. Let good men flourish. / rank
Normal rank
Property / Translation EN: To the Gods of the Underworld. Marcus Aurelius Secundinus, composer of hymns to the Great Mother of the Gods from Mount Ida who is worshipped on the Palatine, constructed (this funerary monument) for himself, for Aurelius Augurinus, whom he raised and who lived for seventeen years, for Aurelius Principius, his brother, and for the other freedmen and freedwomen and their descendents. The aforementioned Laurentii. Let good men flourish. / reference
Publication title: Roma caput mundi. La mostra
Place: Milano
Year: 2012
Page(s): 20
Author of publication: A. Giardina, F. Pesando
Property / Trismegistos identifier
Property / Trismegistos identifier: 264831 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 09:13, 30 April 2021

Funerary inscription to Marcus Aurelius Secundinus
Language Label Description Also known as
AE 1976, 0013
Funerary inscription to Marcus Aurelius Secundinus


    0 references
    Agli dei Mani. Marco Aurelio Secondino, compositore di inni per la Grande Madre degli Dei del monte Ida venerata sul Palatino, ha fatto erigere (il monumento sepolcrale) per sè, per Aurelio Augurino, da lui allevato e che è vissuto diciassette anni, per Aurelio Principio, suo fratello, e per gli altri liberti e liberte e per i loro discendenti. I suddetti Laurenzi. Bene ai buoni!
    1 reference
    Roma caput mundi. La mostra
    A. Giardina, F. Pesando
    To the Gods of the Underworld. Marcus Aurelius Secundinus, composer of hymns to the Great Mother of the Gods from Mount Ida who is worshipped on the Palatine, constructed (this funerary monument) for himself, for Aurelius Augurinus, whom he raised and who lived for seventeen years, for Aurelius Principius, his brother, and for the other freedmen and freedwomen and their descendents. The aforementioned Laurentii. Let good men flourish.
    1 reference
    Roma caput mundi. La mostra
    A. Giardina, F. Pesando
    0 references