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Testamentary honours for Septimia Polla
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Testamentary honours for Septimia Polla


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    Creative Commons licence Attribution UK 2.0 ( All reuse or distribution of this work must contain somewhere a link back to the URL
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    To Septimia Polla, daughter of Lucius Septimius Severus, duumvir, perpetual flamen (priest); Publius Septimius Geta, her heir, to his most innocent sister; made from 144 pounds and 10 1/2 ounces of silver he erected [this] by decree of the most splendid city council in accordance with her will, and in addition he gave ?the tax of the 20th on heirlooms and 4 lbs 10 1/2 onces of silver in addition to what was bequeathed.
    1 reference
    J. M. Reynolds
    King's College London
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    A Septimia Polla, figlia di Lucius Septimius Severus, duoviro, flamine perpetuo (sacerdote); Publius Septimius Geta, suo erede, alla sorella virtuosissima; (fatto) di centoquarantaquattro libbre e dieci once e mezzo di argento, per decreto dello splendidissimo consiglio cittadino pose. E secondo il suo testamento, a ciò aggiunse come dono la ventesima parte (dell'eredità?) e quattro libbre e dieci once e mezzo di argento in più di quanto era stato lasciato in eredità.
    1 reference
    Francesca Bigi
    Für Septimia Polla, Tochter des Lucius Septimius Severus, Duovir (höchstes städtisches Amt) und Priester des Kaiserkults (flamen perpetuus). Publius Septimius Geta, ihr Erbe, errichtete dies, gemäß ihrem Testament und auf Beschluss des Stadtrates (splendidissimus ordo) für seine tugendhafteste Schwester aus 144 Pfund und 10 ½ Unzen Silber; als Geschenk fügte er diesem den zwanzigsten Teil (vicesima - normalerweise eine 5%ige Steuer, die bei der Freilassung von Sklaven fällig war; das wäre hier aber schwer verständlich) dessen, was (als Erbschaft ?) gelassen war, sowie 4 Pfund und 10 ½ Unzen Silber hinzu.
    2 references
    Ulrich Gehn